Originally Posted by krys2fur
I like all the Iphone and Touch skins and mods but, I was thinking that a new today screen made for the 6700 would be nice. If possible, I was looking for a simple and clean screen with vertical tabs on the left side and use the volume button to navigate. Each tab would bring up a new screen, Phone, Apps, Games, Tools, Utilities, Media, Net & email. Is this possible with Wisebar, ilaunch or any other program. I haven't seen anybody use vertical tabs, that is in portrait mode.
You could try SPB Diary or SBSH Pocktbreeze. They both use verticle or horizontal tab displays on the today screen (they are commercial programs though, not for free). YOu may need to use them with a mixture of SPB pocket plus or iLauncher to get what your looking for.
Im not sure how to remap the volume button either.