Originally Posted by mdphoenix
This is interesting. I just flashed my phone with ERice's kitcen last night and youtube works flawlessly. I gotta tell you, I love the TF3D skin for it, but aside from being pretty, it doesn't give me what I need. Anyway, back on track. I'm going to pick apart TF3D and find out what it is exactly that makes YT Tick. This is stupid that I should have to install TF for YT to work. But thanks for the heads up. I'll thank you and update the post after I verify as well.
You might be mistaken.
You need to install "TouchFlo" in order for YouTube to start up without complaints of missing files. I think YT requires a library found within TouchFlo that allows for finger scrolling in the YouTube app.
TouchFlo3D is a different app altogether and is the one used on the homescreen (the one we don't quite like just yet). It's known as "Manila" i our kithen and is NOT required for proper YouTube operation
Although I have both TouchFlo and Manila/TouchFlo3D in my cooked rom.
Hope this helps someone because like you, I was tearing out my hair for a long time over something so trivial