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Old 12-22-2008, 02:10 AM
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Re: Opera Mobile showing black screens

Originally Posted by gmfeny View Post
It might be the website. I started to scroll around a little on the site and the whole screen turned black. I could scroll around still but it was all black.
yeah, that's about how it behaves for me. It seemed the first time I went to it everything seemed normal until I zoomed in, then it went black. I could scroll around (and still see things on the right hand side) but the rest would all be black.

And as for the difference in settings, yeah, I did notice that. The ones I got are from the link from that guy's posting. I don't know if anything different happens (and I don't think the 6.0 needs to be there after the Windows NT, but I'm not sure, and no idea what the "en" was for). I'm also completely clueless as to what ID # to spoof, since everywhere I've looked they just talk about the Spoof ID #, but not any specific setting to try (hence I just tried Desktop IE 6).

when I have time tomorrow I'll try playing around with different settings to see if anything helps, but I'm hoping someone who is more knowledgeable about these things can help out (like maybe it needs flash or java or SOMETHING updated, but I have no idea what).

As for the website itself, I think it usually loads some sort of "Web 2.0" type application (I am really clueless about this sort of stuff) for displaying info on the page. Like the normal main page will show varying #'s of posts depending on the settings, and once you go into an actual post, the comments section (at least when logged in) is sorta real-time, and you can push like "c" to tab through new posts, and "z" to mark posts read as you are tabbing through, etc. I don't need that extra functionality on my phone (though obviously it would be nice), but would at least like the ability to just read and post like normal (since it isn't possible to post on the mobile version at all).

Last edited by Anonymatt; 12-22-2008 at 02:17 AM.
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