Originally Posted by volsmcfalls
Greetings all! I'm a total noob to the whole PDA / PPC sceen, so please excuse my ignorance.
My wife and I recently purchased Omnias from Verizon. We really like the phone and interface. But I was reading a review online for the phone and they mentioned using "Samsung Today 2" as the home screen plugin. I saw a video of it on YouTube as well. But, my phone, perhaps because it is from Verizon, does not have the Samsung Today 2 plugin. It only has the Samsung Today option.
Is there a way for me to load the Samsung Today 2 plugin? Is this a ROM issue (though I am not really sure what all the different ROMS mean), or just a plugin issue?
Also, I thought about loading the Touchflo 2D interface onto the phone rather than use the Samsung Today 2 because they share a lot of the functionality. But, I read that Manilla 2D does not work in landscape mode. I use the phone mainly in landscape because I have large hands, so this doesnt solve my functionality issues.
Thanks in advance for any assistance!
I like Samsung Today 2 better than Today 1 and the file you need is already on the VZW i910.
To use it edit the registry to add a new Today item. I found it easiest to just duplicate the settings for "Samsung Today". The only difference is that the dll should be secst.dll rather than minitoday.dll.
I renamed Samsung Today to Samsung Today 1 and added Samsung Today 2.
Now both will show up under Settings - Today