Originally Posted by tntsniper
Ya i've come to the conclusion that it has to be something w/ the rom.. or something. B/c I've also gone to my brothers apt and noticed the same drop. I also was at a bar last night and this guy had a diamond.. Both were through sprint and i asked to compare service and he had 2 more bars then I did..
Now at this bar, I should have full service (or pretty close).. now I only have 2 bars max while a person w/ the same phone was grabbin nearly full service.
But like others have said, I cant figure out why this is happening over a rom flash.
Same Thing with my bars.

& I live very close to a Sprint Tower I'm usually fully bared up. Now I might have 1 bar, however this ROM is Fastttttttttttttttttttttt as Usain Bolt ran da 100 meters at the Olympics.

Thanks Juicy keep up the good work