Originally Posted by jakdillard
Now the only thing that would stop me from making a Verizon ROM is that I don't feel comfortable enough to make a rom for a device that I do not have . I am not familiar with their device enough I think that the keyboard layout is different , in other words I'd have to physically be able to see what works and what doesn't ..... (unless I need to make a new friend in Naptown on the VZW Network)
That is the big point there, without having a VZW touch pro, how can we be sure that it is going to work, how do we know that this program or this file wont work with vzw crippled phones. I think that will be a big blockage on trying to get custom rom on VZW Touch Pro JR. Without it being the same specs then it is hard to know.
So I would say you will see very limited ROMS for VZW Touch Pro JR. Except those that have them, It would be a great time for some new VZW Cooks to step up. Learn a trade.