Originally Posted by mike20pr
im an opera mobile user myself, i love skyfire cuz of flash suport but i barely use it cuz the navigation sucks, sure it displays the page faster but its not really loaded, its like surfing the web with googlemaps or another gps app, as you scroll and pan the constant rendering and loading makes the display blurry and those aweful checkers  Opera is much better for navigation expecially forums where you can quickly scroll through all the post without the constant rendering slowing you down, plus the downloads are better in opera cuz i download entire movies and cd albums without a problem unlike skyfire that fails on me 99% of the time. Plus, its a real browser, not a mirror of the site that a server sends you (thust safer) all you need is a really good and fast version of opera mobile and you are golden. i myself am using build 15202
PIE and IE6 are laggy and i hate god aweful mobile sites
OperaMini is fast but with less features
Netfront is good, but still behind
just my 2 cents
Opera to me is just way too buggy.it would shut down on me while browsing! i need something more stable....thats why i use the newest netfront browser build 729 if u work your settings right it will be better than opera..yeah sure it needs work but to me it works beter than opera..its fast too.....plus its a memory rom hog.....IE6 i use as well as skyfire...but i can never just use one browser on my phone because for some sites one browser might be better than the other for example media, forum browsing, or downloading music/movies...u know some file sharing sites with some browsers dont even work...and on some they will......i cant get everything i need from ONE browser!! its time someone step to the plate and make one real good browser with opera, skyfire, and opera mini, netfront in one....skyfire i hate the checkered page while navigating its soo annoying! but sometimes i use it for those hard to get sites.....and i everytime i try to download something it says something header failed....