You might consider me a little bit of a noob but I follow directions well!

I have a couple of questions:
1 - do you have to have a particular ROM installed for this to work or will it work with the stock ROM.
2 - I'm not sure I'm getting all the steps correctly. I applied the latest .cab fix and ran the PPST which updated successfully. However, when I go into HTC GPS Tool I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be doing. I have made sure I set the com on 4, baud at 4800, under function I set the chip as Q 7500, under mode or setmode I set it as Cold Start and then I open the port. I then run Google Maps and click Use GPS but it times out and I never get any signal. Am I missing a step or two? ...I have stock ROM (haven't had the guts yet to flash or unlock my phone yet).