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Old 12-20-2008, 04:03 PM
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Re: Verizon GPS Fix.....COMING SOON

Originally Posted by lllboredlll View Post
First and foremost.... This fix is to be considered beta at the present time. I WILL NOT be held responsible for any damage to your device or any charges from you carrier if you happen to be in roaming because of this.

I have successfully unlocked VZW's TP GPS. Please realise I'm still testing and tweaking the PRI to get the last little bugs out.

The lllboredlll VZW GPS Fix cab that is attached is actually Sprint's 1.53_003 PRI that has been modified so VZW users can keep their PRL intact. My device is showing that I am roaming at this present time but when dialing *228 it connects to VZW's network. So I think it's just the PRI settings telling it that. Your PRL (preffered roaming list) is still intact so you really shouldn't be roaming but line 1 of this post still stands.

Here we go

1. download lllboredlll VZW GPS and put on your storage card
2. install cab but don't soft reset after
3. use gsfinder or total commander to navigate to \windows\ppst.exe
4. execute ppst.exe and go thru the prompts.... it will tell you that it failed... that's ok... it's just because it don't contain a prl (my personal trick )
5. reset your device as needed
6. make sure you location is turned on and enjoy

All navigation software might not work so you may need to open the port with HTC GPS tool that I attached. Settings are Q7500 chip 4800 buad and cold start. I don't have AGPS configured because this thing locks in 2 seconds. There is no need for a data connection to assist when the results are that dang fast.

Last but not least.....never be too confident that you know everything about these devices because the idiot (me) just proved some of you wrong

I removed the fix for a short period of time. Please be patient a new file will appear shortly.

Thank you.....
Great job! Quite impressed!

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