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Old 12-19-2008, 03:21 AM
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Re: Force Roam - Found!

Originally Posted by Nagrom Nniuq View Post
I can roam all I want and not get charged any extra. I've got friends who have done roaming only for years, no problem. Dunno what company you are with but they suck. If it's Sprint like your tag says I dunno what the heck they are doing with you but you are getting screwed.

Sprint did just change the agreement so they can terminate you for using over a certain amount of roaming minutes a month over a 3 month period. But I've never heard of anyone getting charged for roaming minutes lol. Kinda defeats the purpose of NO ROAMING OR LONG DISTANCE CHARGES.
ATT, Verizon, and Tmobile do the same thing pal. Its on their website's in very small print. Here's the one off ATT website:

"ATT reserves the right to terminate your service if less than 50% of your usage over three consecutive billing cycles is on ATT-owned systems"
If I've helped ya, please feel free to hit the button, and as always, Youre Welcome!!

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