No kidding. I don't even care anymore. I specifically said that I wasn't trying to offend anyone, but they're all bent on trying to offend me. I didn't start out by calling a bunch of names. I'm immature, but it's all good for them to sit here and talk sh!t like this to me when they actually have no reason.
These morons say crap like, "It didn't merit a free 6800..." I really don't care. If I'm told by a manager that's what I'm gonna get, then that's what I want.
My last point... The whole thing about this was the fact that he said, "If you can survive with THAT phone, we'll swap you with a 6800 when it becomes available." Not many people would have even said yes to that. I've been walking around with a phone that rarely works for months b/c I figured it would be worth it. Nobody cares... They're just pissed off that they payed FULL PRICE for their 6800.
Everyone is trying to say that I'm immature. WHY? Because I was pissed about 3+ broken 6700s? I hear people complain a lot more than me, but nobody says anything to them.....just me.
WHINING?! What the hell do you think all of YOU are doing here? See, I actually HAD a reason to be pissed off. You people are just coming in here and bashing on me w/o any reason. Every-single-time that another one of you people come in here and bash me, you're just saying the same crap as the person before you. If you wanna think that the only thing here that mattered was a free 6800....I couldn't care less. Who are you? Words on a forum.
"...its your right and
duty as a customer to use the power of your wallet to show us (Sprint) or UTStarcom what you think and BUY something else." -Thesian Now I know you're full of sh!t. It's my DUTY to give them more money?! No.
Being sarcastic about the last one on there? When I walked into Sprint, my girlfriend just happened to call me. I handed the phone to a manager and KINDLY SAID, "Would you mind answering this?" He hit every damn button on the phone. Nothing. It just sat there and vibrated for like 10 minutes. Keep your mouth closed until you know what you're talking about.
"I see where your coming from. I do. I do sympathize to a point. Did the manager promise you something... Yes." -Thesian. Okay, and THAT'S THE MAIN THING HERE. It really doesn't even have anything to do with whether or not I DESERVE it. I DIDN"T ASK FOR IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!
It's okay, though. If you people think that you can judge me b/c of one event that YOU DISAGREE with, then I couldn't care less about your opinions of me anyway. I never said, "OH LOOK! People got free 6800s like this! I'm gonna go do it..." The promise was made by the manager LONG before anyone posted anything about that. Again, it wasn't even my idea in the first place. All I was saying is that it's curious why I'm getting bash for something NO ONE ELSE IS. In fact, some of them even admitted that they purposefully messed up their 6700 to be upgraded for free, but you're here bashing me.
Fine, then... I cave. I apologize for feeling that a promise by a Manager of a company should be honored. I'm also sorry that I'm being mailed a free Mogul. In fact, I'm EVER SO SORRY for that last one.