Posting information from a blog site, which itself cites
no sources i.e. lacks things such as "
In a conversation with Sprint..." or "
In a phone call placed to Palm, they said...", the story is 100% speculation and inference taken from who knows where.
That's not a real news story in that sense, just rumor and guessing on their part. (We do that to at WMExperts, but usually are not so strong in our assertions or use a question mark to imply a possibility, without committing ourselves. Standard journalistic practice.) Simply posting opinions that re-enforce your own is not evidence.
So I repeat the request:
- Do you have any real numbers?
- Have you had a conversation with Sprint or Palm public relations?
- Do you have an article or even a Palm investor Q&A where either company on record validate what you say?
If no, than your musings are just that: musings, not fact.
The situation is thus: you cannot logically infer that because Sprint is releasing a new Treo that the old one did not do well.
All that you
can infer is that Sprint feels the new Treo
will sell better than the old one and will be good for business. That tells you nothing of how the
old Treo did though: could have been bad, could have been good.
This could even be a financial decision: Treo Pros, which are designed by Palm but manufactured by HTC, are most likely
cheaper than Inventec who makes the 800w. Reducing production costs allows them a lower price point ($549 vs $599 retail) to be more competitive in the marketplace. Perfectly logical and possible. Heck, we actually
know that price
is cheaper for the Pro.
There are literally dozens of these stories. All sound good, but without evidence they are conjecture.
Companies releasing new versions of products does not imply that the old product was faulty, bad or did not sell well.
So either provide real evidence, not tech blogs with no sources, or admit that this is just one of dozens of possible explanations, but this one has no more evidence for or against.
On a personal note: I do find it hilarious that you felt so compelled by your sudden dislike of your 800w that you had to saunter away from TreoCentral to here to continue your Palm rants.