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Old 07-05-2007, 09:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Thesian
Originally Posted by Touche'
First off... You don't know me, so don't try and act like you know what kind of person I am.

Obviously you people aren't reading the whole situation. Here are my points...

1.) I had a MANAGER offer me a Mogul as a replacement for 6700.

2.) They told me they would note that on my account.....told me they did. They didn't, so it was a lie.

3.) They have the option to GIVE you a Mogul if you've been through 3+ 6700s.

4.) I paid $400+ for my 6700. I LOVED my 6700....while it worked. I loved my 2nd 6700....while it worked (2 weeks). As I said before, I certainly would have paid FULL PRICE for the Mogul, had their previous product worked.

5.) It IS their product. In business, it's not always about who MAKES the product, but who sells it. That's why, if you have TEP, SPRINT will replace your phone, not the manufacturer.

6.) One of you (above) said that if it were a few months back you would have said you would 'try' to get me a Mogul. Well, the MANAGER said he WOULD get me a Mogul...not 'try'.

7.) MANY other people IN THIS FORUM have gotten their Moguls for FREE and for the SAME REASON, but I alone am the 'bad person'? In fact, a lot of people are congradulating them on their Free Mogul.

8.) The Sprint store by me pays $8.75 hr. So, YES.... they are paid to deal will customers AND their problems. That's why they're called Representatives...not Salesman. How do I know what they make? I USE TO WORK AT THAT STORE.

9.) Why EXACTLY am I wrong for complaining about a potentially defective product?

10.) Whoever is reading this would take a free Mogul....legally, at least.

11.) If after buying a 6700 that didn't work, then that 6700 being replaced with another that didn't work, where does my money go when I give them ANOTHER $350 for a new phone?! I'm just supposed to sit back and take it b/c they sold me a defective product?

12.) If I knew I would get a 6700 that worked (at least the majority of the time) I would pay for a Mogul, because I would feel like I got what I paid for in the first place (with the 6700)

13.) What that guy above said doesn't even make any sense: Something about Retentions having a set $ amount for the Mogul, so now that I get a free one I'm taking money away from people with 'REAL PROBLEMS'. Uhhh...okay. Gee, the poor children.

14.) I didn't realize that all my 'messed up' 6700s didn't qualify as a 'real problem' I guess all you 6700 users never really had any real problems then? Is that what he's saying?

15.) I'm not that jerk who walks into a store and just makes irrational demands. As I said, I never asked for a Mogul in the first place, the MANAGER did. Actually, I didn't even expect that...

16.) Promises do mean something in the business world. Maybe not at the high, corporate level, but down on my level yes....they do. If a manager Promised you something, wouldn't you want that to be honored. As I said earlier, they're REPRESENTATIVES, so if they make a promise...Sprint is making a promise.

17.) I agree... The customer is absolutely NOT always right, but I certainly was this time.

I had another point, but I can't remember anymore. I'm not a bad guy, at all. Neither are all the other people who got the Same Deal As I Did. I didn't start this topic to offend anyone. I just needed to vent about a PDA I thought people here would understand. To all of your who agree with me (or at least see where I'm coming from...) Thanks.

1. You had a manager offer you a Mogul, I beleive you said, 4 months prior... I'm not aware of many offers that stand up to 4 months.

2. The amount of things I intend to do for a customer in a day and then get derailed, at times by another customer while the first one is standing, could fill pages. I"m sorry the first manager lied to you. 4 months ago, we didn't know if the Mogul was coming in June, July, or October. I'm glad he promised you something.

3. We have the option to fix your phone. Then replace your phone. If we have 6700's, then you get 6700's. I honestly feel that for ALL the people that had/have such a lousy time with theyr 6700's that they should get out of that type of phone all together. I don't think your dumb, or incapable of using it, but your purposly using a complicated, trouble prone device, and then blaming us for your business needs. I'm sorry that your incapable of being a consumer, and when your current product doesn't work, as a consumer, you get something different... you get it... not we give... We might as well just have some monopoly run things, cause your not going to make a decision on your own.

4. You paid 400 for a 6700... then why shouldn't you pay for a 6800... and if your 6700 worked, why would you buy a 6800...

5. Your right. You have TEP. Your phone is broken. Here, let me replace it... with a 6700!

6. Ok... I think you just re-read your statment here, cause you make my point for me, but I'll do this anyway. I would have said i would "try" to get you a Mogul. The manager said he "would". Ergo, I think the manager was wrong... and that if the manager said he made a mistake, or was miss informed or whatever, then you need to quick your crying, ans suck it like a man.


See how ridiculous that sounds.

8. ... anyone else wanna tackle ther economic impact of 8.75 hr on their lives? ... You use to work for Sprint? Sooo, you knew that if you kept *****ing, that we'd cave... Cause of our damned CSAT scores.

9. Because there was nothing wrong the 6700, except the updates for the software not being released. Complaining to Sprint isn't going to improve that. Again, if the product is so bad, why do you love it. If the product is so bad, its your right and duty as a customer to use the power of your wallet to show us (Sprint) or UTStarcom what you think and BUY something else. If I think a McDonalds cheese burger sucked, and I say "Hey, this sucked" and they give me a new one, and it sucks, then I get another, and it sucks, and I get another, and it sucks... You'd call me a moron for not going to Burger King or buying a different sandwhich or something. But you need to take the power that your giving up, and buy what you want, and if you can't buy it, then find it. I would gladly have you come to my store with your 6700 and I will flash it with one to the many custom roms, that I think would improve your 6700 experience.

10. DUH!!! That still makes me a heel if I whine and complain till they give one. When your a child, and you whine and complain, your told no. The case should be the same here.

11. Someone else can deal with the math on this one, I give up.

12. Dead horse, someone else wanna beat on it.

13. Ok, if my boss says I have 1200 dollars for my department for customer csat, and I give 2 moguls away, then that means, no one else gets a mogul. Now, mind you, thats over simpliffied, but I think you get my point.

14. I see lots of messed up 6700's and I also see lots of whiners. I didn't look at your phones. I don't know what the actual problem was. At this point, I would have wanted to declare it liquid damaged and send you packing... but I wouldn't... but I'd really want to.

15. *sigh* Why did you give this one a number...

16. Which is why, when you finally convinced someone of that, or you annoyed them enough, you got what you wanted. I did say that I thought the manager was wrong, and you were wrong for taking advantage of it to the point you have. Just let it go. You got worked up over what some sales manager said. Trust me, sales managers barley know what day it is, let alone when stuff is coming out, whether ist better, and if they can give it away.

17. No, Im sure... absolutley... uh huh... You say the locking up is intermittent? Can you duplicate it for me? You can't? I'm sorry, you said it happens all the time... No, I'm sure it does... The customer is always right...

I see where your coming from. I do. I do sympathize to a point. Did the manager promise you something... Yes.

Do I think you deserve a PPC-6800. NO. Heck no. That fact that you just kept pushing it convinces me of this. For the time it took you to sit on hold with retentions, you could have loaded a custom ROM to your 6700, read a good book, and probably got an Associates Degree. Good job. How much time did you waste? How much is your time worth? I hope you wasted 20 or more hours on this... I do.
your a lot more civil than me haha