In a different thread, someone asked about this:
From Froader:
Under notifications for reminders. The repeat option is greyed out preventing from unchecking it. Pretty annoying. Where in the registry can this be edited?
Here's how to fix that:
Using a registry editor, go to HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications. Each long hex key corresponds to one of the options on the mobile device Settings->Sounds & Notifications->Notifications tab Event drop-down box. Most of them have a name as the default value for the key. Some do not but appear to be something like a low battery warning. Adding a default makes that notification appear in the drop-down box.
Now I haven't figured out a way to un-gray the repeat box, but I have figured out how to set/clear it in the registry, as well as how to un-gray all the other options. The Available Options value in each key controls what you can and cannot check as follows:
Bit 0 = Play sound
Bit 1 = Vibrate
Bit 2 = Flash light
Bit 3 = Display message on screen
Bit 4 = Repeat (should be but setting this doesn't un-gray the box)
Likewise, the Options field uses the same bit map and captures the selections you have made on the GUI.
You'll find that most notifications have the AvailableOptions key value of 11, which corresponds to bits 0, 1 and 3 set. So let's say you want to be able to select everything. You need AvailableOptions to have all five of the above bits set, which corresponds to a decimal value of 31 for that key. Change all the 11s to 31s and go back into the GUI.
You do not have to soft-reset in between iterations of your changes here - just exit from the notifications GUI, make changes, then go back in.
There are some notifications that have wild options values - I haven't figured out what those extra bits are for. The Reminders notification that started this is one. Please post if someone figures this out further. Anyway, not knowing what that is, to uncheck the repeat, what you need to do is subtract 16 fromt he value currently set. In my device, the default value was 10747867 (hex A3FFDB). Bit 4 is set (D 2nd from right). Change this D to a C (equivalent to subtracting 16 from the decimal value - new value 10747851) and viola! - the repeat box is now cleared. Note - if the 2nd hex digit from the right is an even number (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, A, C, E) then your repeat box is already cleared and you should not subtract 16.
BTW - the Duration key may have something to do with how frequently it repeats, or possibly for how long it repeats. Or one or both of those may be why the Options key is so big.
Please post if anyone figures out what the un-named notifications are for, and if anyone takes the time to figure out the relationship between bit position in the Available Options key and the actual options on the GUI.