Originally Posted by darnell
The news is here.
Hate to be the bearer of such bad news, but I noticed nobody is talking about it here and I wanted to make sure everyone knew.
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Lots of speculation in your post with little evidence i.e. "
The 800w obviously is not a hot seller" or "
Without a doubt, this proves that Sprint is not happy with the 800w"
You don't have any numbers to back any of this up nor have you spoken with anyone at Sprint to validate their thought on the issue. This is just projection of your own feelings onto your theory.
Have you thought that perhaps Sprint/Palm were planning on doing the Treo Pro all along, but couldn't get it out till January 2009? So instead Sprint used the 800w as a stop-gap to have a Wifi/GPS/WM6.1 Treo in their lineup?
I mean, if we're just engaging in meaningless conjecture and making up reasons, why not that one?
And you are not "stuck" with the device. You can sell it or use it.
They didn't "replace" the Mogul with the Touch Pro and have continued selling both.
Of course this is false (and you know it) as Sprint's lineup sheets clearly state that the
HTC Raphael is replacing the Mogul (likewise with Touch/Diamond).
And in fact Sprint has pulled the Touch and Mogul completely from their lineup.