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Old 12-17-2008, 06:31 PM
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Re: T9 quirk (beware! this is by far the least interesting thread on this forum!)

Originally Posted by spiffyjiff View Post
ok, fine, i'm a dork and have a stupid question about a T9 quirk. in certain apps (SMS, email, etc) T9 will capitalize the first letter of a word no matter that i have the "capitalize first letter of sentence" UNCHECKED" (yes, just thought i'd mention that before you all chime in and call me an idiot!). but in other certain apps, it WILL obey this rule and not capitalize.

quirk with the diamond??

(see? told you this thread was uninteresting and worthless...but it just bugs me)

thanks all!
my best guess is that it's pulling words from your dictionary the way the were entered? so if you put in Obama with the 'O' capitalized, it will always autocomplete the word the same way it was originally entered? I'm stabbing in the dark like OJ on this one, but like I said that's my best guess...
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