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Old 12-17-2008, 02:32 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro $199.99 with 2/yr upgrade or new BESTBUY 12-14-08!

Originally Posted by raiser1 View Post

FREE 200 text messages per line (I had only 100)
FREE n/w 7pm, actually received from ecare a week ago, was paying $5/mo
$70 per line account renewal offer (OOC) = $140 statement credit
$18 upgrade fees waived... This was a BIG hassle over $36.
- argued that the phone is not available through Sprint (and it's not)

I am a long-time subscriber and I had a really good retention plan already in place, the only thing it really lacked for current usage is text messaging, but they wouldn't offer me a better deal than $15/mo for unlimited text on both lines so I took the extra 100 for free.

Bye Bye Treo 650. Welcome to 2 more years of SPRINT, only $70/mo for 2 lines w/1000 shared ATM and unlimited data.

We have the same legacy F&C retention plan. I opt'd for the 8$ 1000 txt msg pkg about 2-3 yrs ago, and still carry that along...So I come in around 78-79$ per month for 2 phones (1 for my parents, they use like 20-30 min a month) sharing 1000 AT min w/ free 7pm n&w.

..The guy at BB was like, 'Who do you know at Sprint?'....I simply replied ...'Been with them for 10 yrs now, as of October and tbh, I'm not on as good of a deal as the SERO folks', he laughed and smiled... I knew from that response he knew exactly what I was talking about in terms of SERO and knowing the Sprint lingo.

This legacy plans keeps me with Sprint...Ive shopped around before my contract per ends and also while out of contract...Vz , AT&T, Tmobile (always wanted to go SIM for selection of unlocked phones ie Sharp phones) but data plans and just overall plans could even hold a candle to the pricing I get from Sprint. They all laugh when I quote my current plan and wanting to see what they can do (other than becoming an employee for them lol)

I went from using the 6700, to the Mogul (about 3 diff ones,,, too moch section slap for me to handle while texting, too much plastic being the culprit I think) ...and then went back to a flip phone (military spec Sanyo scp-7050) and now back to this amazing PPC. Can't be happier and so many thanks for this thread along with the one at SD (Slick Deals) that led me here to research, see what the Geeks were mumuring and lo & behold, you guys were chatting about the same deal =D>
TP2 12/21/09
Free Upgrade
Coming off 4th TP KB Failure

Last edited by krazyfiend; 12-17-2008 at 02:52 PM.
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