Originally Posted by Unknownforce
I have an issue after going from 3.9 to 4.2, I put on a set of Start Menu Icons, which included a 1% battery monitor icon. But when I fully charge the phone, it only shows 20% on the battery Icon. and slowly goes down from there, It seems like it's using 20% as 100%, I've got a battery monitoring tool installed as well, which tells me the real % left, and it shows 80, when the icon shows 16%. So I think it's still reading it right, but the scale is off or something?
It worked on 3.9, but I noticed the battery drivers were updated in one of the updates since then, perhaps this is why. I have to play with it some more.
Tried to edit my post but all it does is sit there and lock up my computer.
Anyways... Nevermind, I fixed it. It's not a rom issue at all. There's a registry setting for this HKLM\Security\ResOver -- BatteryIconLevels was set to it's default of 21, where it should be 101. Hence the 20% reading when at full charge.