Phone lock help needed
Hello all. This is my first topic, though I want to say thanks to all for all the help and info this site has provided to me!
I did some searching and found nothing, so I hope that this is not a duplicate thread.
I am having some issues with the phone lock and I can't find the settings to turn it off anywhere. This started happening when I setup an Outlook account for my work e-mail in which I had to setup a pin/password. I didn't know what it was for at the time, so I didn't think anything of it. Is it possible that my Exchange Server requires the phone to lock due to the sensitivity of the emails?
If it comes down to it, I will have to do a hard reset, but will this keep my contacts?
I can take some screenshots of the lock page if somebody can recognize it. Any help would be great, as I'm getting tired of having to unlock my phone every 5 minutes of non use! Thanks in advance.