Originally Posted by rangie
Has anybody upgraded with only a one year eligibility? I'm not due for a 2-year discount until April.
If I could get a TP for $275 I'd be happy.
Originally Posted by meanfishy
Disagree. I think you are lucky, and do not understand what a 2 year renewal means, or you were somehow qualified and did not know it. Anyone can sign a two year contract whenever they want, but that does not get them discounts. The AD says you either sign a NEW contract meaning a new line of service, or you are eligible for an upgrade, meaning you are have had a current contract for at least 22 months, or you are able to upgrade every 12 months as some special programs allow.
Here is the fact from BB website:
Q. What is a contract extension?
A. Contract extensions (also known as "upgrades") are the best way to get a great deal on a new phone without switching carriers. Sprint will subsidize your new phone purchase if you extend your contract, depending on your eligibility and the length of time that you extend your contract.
Q. Am I eligible for a contract extension?
A. Not all existing Sprint PCS customers qualify for contract extensions. Sprint sets threshold rules as to who is eligible for a contract extension.
In order to be eligible for our exclusive Sprint PCS contract extension offers:
- You must have maintained continuous service on the existing Sprint PCS phones being upgraded today for the last 22 months
- You must subscribe to a $34.99 or higher Sprint PCS service plan
- Your account must be in good financial standing and without late fees
- You agree to extend your existing contract with Sprint PCS for an additional 24 months
The reason WHY some people are able to get this deal without meeting ANY of the above requirements is that BB can set it's prices at the register, so if they WANT to sell you the phone for $199.99, they can, but they are breaking their own rules doing so... You would never be able to walk into a Sprint store and get a phone at a discount simply by signing a new 2 year contract whenever you felt like it, you must be within your upgrade window when you sign a new 2 year contract to get a discount...
I hope this helps, I just don't like false hopes. Getting a deal from BB is a gamble if you are not properly eligible. You could always do and see...
If you go here:
And do a search for Sprint Touch, the $199.99 deal shows up... So you can show them from the web...