Originally Posted by Spr0ckEt
The problem with the Magnetic cases is that the keyboard sensor thingo (technical term) that senses the KB opening is magnetic. It is the same as on the Mogul/6800. Its in a different place on the TP but the idea remains the same. Whe you get a call, you lift the flap and take out your phone. Its been sitting in a position against that magnet, messing with the sensor. As soon as it gets away from the magnet it tries to switch to portrait from landscape.
Sometimes, if you are fumbling with the phone for a second trying to get a grip, you may put it just barely within range of that magnet and back again SEVERAL times. Some cases will work better for different people. Its pretty hit or miss.
HTC used Velcro to be cheap. To save money. End of story.
Nothing gets activated by a magnet in the Touch Pro. Out of curiosity, I ran a Hard Drive Head magnet I had (one of the strongest magnets around) over my Touch Pro, and it never turned on, nor did it trigger anything.
The old 6700 had a magnetic switch for the power switch, but the Touch Pro has physical switches now. They do not get activated by magnets.
Magnets in phone cases are perfectly fine with the Touch Pro. Just keep the magnets away from your wallet with credit cards.
Only problems I've had is the current case I have is much tighter fit than the stock one, so when it randomly turns on, it keeps pressing the screen and keeping it from turning off and draining the battery in my pocket. I'm going to give TouchLockPro a try.