Originally Posted by Medic
Sorry if I didn't follow your situation but did you receive your phone? or did you get charged a fee by sprint afterwards? I know for certain I bought into one of these scams and got my phone through Sprint or Asurion, but the wife and I are unsure as to what to do? There have been zero charges to her account so far and the phone has been activated for 2 weeks or so, maybe a bit more, hassle free.
I'm just curious as to what to do. I contacted ebay and they weren't of much help, mainly I think cuz the guy sounded confused as to what was going on when I explained the scam. Next I called paypal and was just told to contact the seller. I didn't bother to contact the seller cuz I figure he knows whats up so why would he take the time to fix things.
If it is still under 45 days, you need to file a dispute ASAP to get a refund from paypal. this is a scam and needs to be shut down and shouted from the rooftops.
In my situation, I did not want to get burned by Sprint, Asurion, etc. I did what I thought I had to do. If you wait too long, you are out of luck.