Originally Posted by Spydc
So what now? We have to sit back and wait for a fix.. what if there is never a fix?
You did your part and actually called them - I think a lot of people unwilling to give up 5 minutes to call HTC to inform them of the issue are probably the type to get upset about how long it takes for HTC to correct the issue. I'm sure if even 20% of the people who experience the problem on the mogul took the 5 minutes to call HTC and inform them of the issue we'd have a patch VERY soon. However if people just keep reading here hoping that HTC is aware of the issue they'll be dissappointed at how long if ever a patch comes out.
If 100,000 of these phones are sold and only 20 people call in to report an issue with the BT - they aren't likely to take it seriously. If 2,000 people call in - just 2% you can be sure they'll be looking for a solution to the issue.
If you call Sprint like HTC wants you to, chances are it will get lost in the system, Sprint can't track an order for a phone - they won't have a better system in place for tracking a complaint about a phone so save your time and just call HTC.
For all you people who think Sprint or HTC read this thread - forget about that - it isn't happening, it won't happen.
I'll probably call HTC every week until the issue is resolved - futile maybe but much more likely to be effective than just writing stuff here and hoping HTC will read it for some reason.
The only other option that will bring out the patch even sooner is if 2,000 people arrange for an exchange of their phone for the same unit because of the BT issue. Sprint will take notice of things that actually cost them time and money. I'm trying to arrange for an exchange through the person in charge of BuzzAboutWireless - Sprint's own website to escalate the issue - perhaps if more people posted there it also might get Sprint's attention -
http://forums.buzzaboutwireless.com/...&thread.id=679 currently participation on Sprint's own forum is extremely low.