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Old 12-15-2008, 06:12 PM
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Re: any one elses TP heat up with ics?

Originally Posted by Bad HAL 9000 View Post
Stop returning phones for this issue. A new phone will NOT fix it. Unless you want to return it and get a completly different phone. (Not a TP)
Why? You working for HTC or something?

Heres a suggestion for ya - you mind your device and just dont worry about how I handle mine. Yes you are absolutely correct - every one of these devices is faulty in this way. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fanboys that cant see this issue for what it is - a major flaw. Sure there are workarounds to keep this thing cool enough to use for normal daily tasks - but seriously, am I as a consumer really expected to tear my phone apart and actively cool it everytime I want to use it on the charger?? Sorry, I love this device too for everything it can do - but thats is all moot in light of the serious drawbacks it has. I mean I drive truck for a living and I cannot leave Sprint Nav going on the dashboard without leaving the cold air blowing in on it from the defrost duct! Its 10 degrees outside and in order to keep my device functional I have to freeze in my truck...

If you are okay with this flaw, and dont see any issue with the way it performs and functions then I say to each their own. Enjoy it by all means. Just dont come in and start telling people not to do something because YOU just so happen to be happy with yours. A lot of us are very displeased with this problem. So in order for HTC to realize that this is a major problem - we as consumers need to send them back as malfunctioning units so they will either A) Fix this problem or B) Make sure it doesnt happen again with the next 'great' device.

Sitting on your thumbs and pretending this isnt a real issue will only make HTC more money and less likely to address the problem down the line.
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