going back to opera 8.65?
ok opera 9.5 is really pissing me off and i absolutely hate the fact that every time i load a new link i have to double click to zoom back in and see waht im looking for. I also hate the fact that in order to view what tabs i have open i have to click on that little box at the bottm and play a gusesing game as to what the tabs opened are.
opera 8.65 also had an option to click in the settings to recognize your device as a handheld or as a desktop computer which solved the ever so rampant problem people are complaining about with 9.5 of the browser not recognizing full html sites and defaulting to mobile versions. you shouldnt have to edit the god damn registry and screw with at many settings JUST in order to visit the full version of a webpage! opera prides themselves at giving you the true full internet experience but little do they tell you that its up to you to screw with your phone and figure out how!
anyways, i was just wondering if anyone like me had gotten fed up with this latest installment of opera and reverted back to the previous version that ACTUALLY had all the good bells and whistles that worked properly?