Originally Posted by Insoc
There is just so much info on SERO and BB on Google it is silly. It comes down to chance, whether they do it or not...
Agreed. I was among the October BB batch of buyers for this phone, and I have SERO 500 ($30). Some folk had problems with SERO; some didn't. Fortunately, I didn't have problems with SERO and buying the TP at BB, and through much chance/YMMV, I ended up getting the phone at a ~$117 profit, after credits, discount, pricematch, rebate, exchange hassle (three TPs later and various CSR calls with tech problems). Really, there's much YMMV and who you get to assist with the purchase.
Ironically, my account still shows I'm out of contract, even after BB was supposed to add a 2yr renewal for the $150 off toward phone**, and Sprint also sent a letter, confirming I'm OOC. Even Sprint Retentions, when they gave a $70 credit for 2yr renewal and said my contract was renewed effective accepting this credit (this is over a week after BB purchase), I'm still OOC.
**Every month (e.g. eff upgrade date updates to 10/1, 11/1, 12/1, etc), Sprint shows I'm *still* eligible for the $150 off handset upgrade, and I don't think I'm part of any 'white glove' program. I've been with Sprint since early 2006 and had one late payment in nearly three years. No longterm customer, no perfect payment history, and I'm paying less than ~$37 for two phone lines, including taxes and fees. Then again, over the past six months, I've used less than thirty minutes total on those two phones. I think Sprint is still making a profit off a very light usage account.