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Old 12-14-2008, 01:20 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro $199.99 with 2/yr upgrade or new BESTBUY 12-14-08!

Originally Posted by Prez808 View Post
The ad just says 2 year contract renewal, nothing about that you must be out of contract in order to renew. I just renewed/renegotiated with Sprint last week, only for them to tell me the TP was still on backorder. BB says I am eligible, because I did not use the $150 off towards any handset yet. So to get the $199 price, the worst that will happen is that my contract gets reset on the day that I get the TP activated. This was not easy however because they couldn't understand that signing up for another 2 years doesn't mean that I already purchased a handset. They had to look up my Sprint account info... Hope this helps.

I wish anyone best of luck, sometimes that has more to do with BB then anything else, but they use the SNAP system. If you are not eligible for a 2 year upgrade (22-24 months into your current contract, or something special that allows you a full upgrade every 12 months) then BB cannot offer you this pricing, unless they want too... WANT is the key, and where many people get lucky...
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