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Old 12-14-2008, 01:01 PM
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Re: New Verizon Data Plan

I called tech suport the other day while my 6700 was in the mail on its way to my house. I told them I was switching from my flip phone to the 6700 and was wondering what internet plans were available. they told me there was basically 4 plans: pay as you go, a ?10 mb? plan, the $29.99 plan and the $44 plan. But a day later when I got the phone and tried to activate it I was told I only could choose the pay as you go or $44 plan. They said the older phones connected to a different server or connected in a different way. Needless to say I was pissed, $44 is a huge ripp off!

Last edited by chevyhighrider; 12-15-2008 at 12:12 PM.
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