Re: I have a question about wmwifirouter? the quicker the more appreciated :)
Yes I have gone over 5gb without tethering my phone at all.. its really easy with streaming music for 12hrs while @ work and I only work 15 days a month. u can hit 5gb really quick if you stream videos or music. I use shoutcast and listen to several stations thru Mort Player. Then I browse the net occasionally and watch some sprint tv or on my phone quite regularly. I dare them to tell me I tether bc my laptop is not working right now and all my usage is over the pda.
Lets say you only dl or use 40mb an hour x 12hrs is 480mb a day times that by 15 is 7gb easily without even browsing or video added. Thats why I think they overlook high data usage on a pda. It is possible with moderate usage to use up 5gb if that was their soft cap on their unlimited web usage plan. I am on the 450 everything plan mostly bc i work at night 6pm-6am and most my family is sprint.