Originally Posted by blasphemous_prime
Yeah man, I had similiar issues with my data to the point where I went without it for a whole weekend and then some until I stopped at a Sprint store in the mall i sometimes go to. I called tech support and told them that the issues weren't related to any kind of tower issues in my area at all. LOL. And all I did was followed their instructions the last time I told them about the issue pertaining to this, and they basically told me what to set up, so I took notes from there and voila! Problem solved. And before you edit anything on your Pros, Baffles MSL Grabber is your best friend as well. Big up to him too for saving us the time and effort to get over the top of the obstacle.
brothaman, i don't know what i woulda done if i didn't have data for 3-4 days... sheesh...
anyways, U DA MAN and have ALWAYS been a great help!