Originally Posted by syrguy1969
The second I posted on another forum, but I thought I would throw it out here as well.....is there any way to enable weatherpanel to update automatically as a tab in mobile shell?
Thanks guys
Originally Posted by Pibe38
You can still set up a city and then replace the Spb Shell Weather tab with WP on an Spb Shell tab.
Even though the data will be coming from Spb Weather, it will display. Keep in mind you will have 2 applications downloading weather data though, so it may have an impact on your battery.
I must be misunderstanding syrguy1969'a question (and Pibe38's answer in the other thread). If I place WeatherPanel in a Mobile Shell tab, it updates automatically every 30 minutes - just as I have it configured. There's no issue there as far as I can see.
Pibe38: It sounds like your talking about getting the Now screen icon to udpate, in addition to WeatherPanel. I was thinking the same thing, but hadn't tried it yet.
syrguy1969, as far as I know, there are no issues with WeatherPanel updating in a tab, or getting the Now screen weather icon to update either.
As far as the speed dial limit of 5, I'm running the speed dial in two tabs - getting 10 slots...