I would try getting the new release that updates it to WM 6.1 it was released in october this year, go to
this is for the alltel ppc6800...
I have my phone tweaked now beyond recognition.. htc home plugin + customizer, Second Today screen,weather plugins, registry tweaks, volume tweaks, PocketCM+Imageviewer+keyboard, MusicID, TONS OF GAMES. and much more..... but all of this with only that every 10th incoming call hang. I reach over every hours or so expecting the phone to be froze, or for it to be asking for my password that won't work...
but it's not. I thought this phone was a lost cause.
Another thing, as far as signal goes this phone is not intended for out of city life, I work around a 9 county area and it dropped calls way more than my razr so I got that wilson 24" antenna.. and I can't believe the places I go now!!
Friend of mine was really getting annoying with her G1.... I got her now!