Originally Posted by conflipper
TouchFlo control Panels you can add easy enough to yourself. everyone has a program they prefer, So I will leave that up to everyone to find the one they like. I will go back to the stock Selector Tab.
Update Opera to 2520, i find this one to work the best
Add Cities in weather for everyone
xip is patched and uldr is removed. makes everything a little faster
These are my main plan for changes at this time. I will Also make it compatable with sprint tv. So sprint users can have it that way.
If there is anything else that you guys can recommend let me know.
So if I take it correctly not any huge changes, just some smaller things?
For the city weather, that's just an XML update, right? That could easily be copied over, correct?
I was asking about the TouchFlo thing as your Vogue ROM didn't handle the TF2D/M2D skins when it came to the weather tab. That's what I meant by that, dood.