Originally Posted by HorhayAtAMD
I've noticed something very similar although I also updated my radio ROM at the same time so it might not have anything to do with Juicy's ROM. While I do sometimes get all bars, I've noticed that I display only 1 or 2 bars much more frequently than I used to. I haven't noticed Opera running any slower (if anything it might be faster) but I think Google Maps is a bit slower than it used to be. My battery life seems quite improved and I've noticed that the back doesn't get as hot as it used to so even if it is a bit slower, I think I would probably still keep it.
I have no clue, but it sounds like better battery life by bringing the power of the radio down. In my case I would rather have more of a power drain. I can charge my phone on my work computer, but some places (office buildings with tunnels and computer rooms in basements) I used to get just one or two bars, now I bounce from no connection to 1 bar. Today I wasn't even able to text anyone. Kept hitting retry until I got it to connect for that one second. Also, I think all this trying to connect, my phone did today killed my battery after 7 or 8 hours of only a few texted messages. No talking, no data.