Originally Posted by CountryDevil
Something that I read over on Bussaboutwireless.com... the picturemail applicaiton appreantly does not run in the backgound and must be open to receive the notification.
I have tested it to some degree and their seems to be some truth to this. If I leave the application open I will receive a notfication that I have a new pic mail. The application in general is slow for whatever reason, but from what I gather, Sprint is working on a fix
for these issues, no indication on when it will be available though...
Reference: http://forums.buzzaboutwireless.com/...cending&page=2
Thanks! Good looking out!
I will test this myself and see if it makes a difference, and if so, maybe keep my S.Pic.Mail application on the exclusive list of task manager. That might help.
I will post my results tomorrow afternoon on if this is a true temporary fix.
(That might be why I got the one I sent from the webpage... because at that time I had the Pic Mail app open wondering how the hell do I view what's on the webpage on my phone?!)