Originally Posted by ramanan_n
Since we know the year to be 2008 (or 2009 soon), to have the date display w/o the 'miss' in the year, we can do the following.
1. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\
Create a DWORD value Name = TBOpt Value = 03
Good explanation on what is this 'TBOpt' here.
2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nls\overrides
Create a String value Name = SSDte Value = ddd MMM dd' '
The last ' ' is to push the date to the right to allow the "OK" not disturb or clash w/ the date.
Caveat: After doing this tweak, if you have a peek @ the Start>Settings>System>RegionalSettings>Date, & press OK there, then the reg value can get altered.
Then the above tweak has to be done again.
Credits to: 88raymond & Aficionado from ppcsg.com
Ah ha! I knew there was more to that reg edit, I just couldn't remember it. I had it don't before where it would show the whole date. Thank you very much! =D>
Originally Posted by ramanan_n
It works for me, can someone update the first page.
Yeah, I'll get on that in a bit.
Originally Posted by ramanan_n
BTW, hats off to dannzeman. I used all the tweaks and am enjoying it. =D>
Well thank you. I appreciate it. And its nice to see someone else contributing to this thread.
Originally Posted by ramanan_n
PS: did you mean 2008 (instead of 2003) in your first post ?
No, I meant 2003. I was trying to make a joke that we all know at least what year it is so me putting 2003 is making it look like I forgot. I guess not very funny.