Re: Start Menu Colors
The following entries will affect the task manager:
"ManilaCustomHlDown" = Binary:XX XX XX XX
"ManilaCustomHlUp"=Binary: XX XX XX XX
The following will affect the Enlarged start menu:
"ManilaCustomHlDown" = Binary:XX XX XX XX
"ManilaCustomHlUp" = Binary: XX XX XX XX
Note that these edits only worked when I added them as a binary entry, not a dword entry. Even though it says binary, you use standard hex code and make sure that it is in 4 pairs (add 00 at the end if you have to).
If these values already exist as dword, delete them and create new binary values with the same name
Hope this helps!
EDIT: The start menu changes should reflect immediately but the taxk manager will require a soft reset for the settings to take effect
Last edited by TProUserOnSprint; 12-10-2008 at 05:20 PM.