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Old 12-10-2008, 04:25 PM
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Re: Telecom NZ - Upgrade Issues (and fixs)

Originally Posted by TheBorg View Post
Hi guys, first time caller, long time listener - Took the plunge and upgraded my Touch with the HTC Touch (Bell) RUU_Vogue_BM_WWE_3.09.666.1_Radio3.42.50_ship.exe and installed OMJ's 3.09.01.Clean ROM, following all the advice regarding the 'HRD An Auth' user and password, and everything seemed to go through fine until I tried to use the phone for calling and sms. Neither work oubound or inbound. Internet works well, as does the GPS but the phone is a 'brick' for calling and txts. When I try and make a call it goes straight to a recorded message saying that the phone may be in the process of being set up and may take 4 hours to complete. This was 48 hours ago and no change. I have checked the MSID and MDN settings and they all appear correct. I called Telecom NZ and they have the correct ESN for the phone also so I am unsure what else to try. Any ideas guys? There must be a setting somewhere that isn't quite right...

PS. I tried the upgrade process a second time and have the same issues...
I think bell uses a different method for identifiing the device on the network. I know their txt protocols are different. I would suggest getting the sprint version and loading that (Sprint is identical to Telecom on the network side of things). I am sure that will fix your problems. You will need the full version with radio included.

ROM: Changes daily LOL
OKTA Touch (NZ)