Originally Posted by Wideawake
the cheapest way would be to do what's stated above. leave pop3s set up and email outbound from them. while just using mail2web to receive/be pushed. Are u sure u can change the outbound with a paid host? I'm not sure....but I dunno. I figure if u can do that on a paid y not the free. Also 1and1 has a cheaper push, I think. And mala uses something different I think...can't remember what he uses tho....Mala if ur reading this what do u use and how much is the service?
No, its not that I can change the outbound with a paid host, but have that host use my domain for email (which I don't really want to do either).
I can definitely have that address push, but I guess I'm just lazy and don't want to have to change over to my POP address to reply.
Thanks for the info!
Edited: 1and1 looks like a pretty good option! Kudos for that.