Originally Posted by gbm85
Do you have TEP or just ERP?
If you have TEP, start zapping your Mogul in the microwave for about 3 seconds once a month (make sure you take the battery out first!). Take it to the store, and make up some BS about how it just stopped working. Keep doing this until they run out of Moguls and have to upgrade you.
Yeah! Woo! Fraud. Seriously, I have issues with my Titan, but still I'm not gonna break it on purpose. I had an Apache and that broke (screen cracked) and I was covered under ERP and got my Titan. I'll probably stick with my Titan until it breaks and then I'll go with a replacement Titan (unless it is messed up) or a Touch Pro. But hey, purposely breaking a phone to get a new one is just messed up. That costs the company money... money they may not have, so they can justify this or that rate increase. Plus this calls ethics into play... but I think I'll stop with my rant here.
/Sorry about jumping off topic a bit.
Also, I've gotta say that my Titan has a few problems, but overall, I dig it. It is far superior to the Apache.