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Old 12-10-2008, 05:07 AM
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Re: What is everyone using to switch between task ?

Originally Posted by dr g View Post
The red "x" means the app is "marked" for closing. When you nav to the next screen, all marked programs close.
Thank you. That does work to close apps but I was just hoping to be able to close the thumbnails by taping and holding them right in the task screen the way he does in the video at :43 seconds and again at :53 seconds. It's just nicer to be able to close the app instantly rather then marking it for closure and then needing to go to another screen to have it actually close. I'm not trying to be picky but the way he makes it look in that video is awesome. I want that!

The video I'm talking about is HERE by the way, about halfway down the page.
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