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Old 12-10-2008, 03:21 AM
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Re: Weird problem with ringtones

Okay so I hard reset it

I took one song from my storage card and put it under my device/Application Data/sounds

Then I went to settings/sounds and notifications/notifications selected Event: phone: incoming call ring tone scroll box and my song isn't there.

But when I go to sounds and notifications/notifications and then choose event Phone missed call then different boxes appear which is play sound, display message on screen, flash light for then a box for the amount of minutes, and a box to check vibrate. Mind you these options weren't available for me when choosing a sound for an incoming call, the only options that I had for choosing an incoming call were ring type and ring tone, with a play and stop button. (Not sure if this makes a difference)

So I go back to the Event: Phone: Missed call box and I check the Play sound box and guess ringtone is an available option. I also notice that I have more default rings to choose from when I select the missed call option verses the incoming call selection. Is this just a problem with windows 6.1? This never happened with windows 6.0

Also I never right clicked the song after it went into the Applications Data/ sounds folder.

By the way I did all of this before I installed any programs on my phone, however when I installed G-Alarm back on my phone it had the songs and the times that I had saved for my alarms. If I did a hard reset, why did it save my settings for my alarms, even though I had to re-install G-Alarm? Also I have a few files on my storage card that have a windows symbol with an empty square next to them, can I delete these files? There shouldn't be any system files stored on my memory card they should all be on my actual phone correct?

Last edited by htctiltman; 12-10-2008 at 04:02 AM.
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