Re: *[11-26-08]* Juggalo ROM v0.05B Public Beta [SYS OS 5.2.20759 Build 20759] [UC]
ive used both 19972 and 19974 and i think theyre equally as fast as 20xxx with less bugs. Also get to keep multiselect. i dont see a real disadvantage to using 19972 vs 20xxx unless anyone can point a difference out, they seem about equal in terms of speed/snappyness and mutiselect in email is nice to have vs the 3-4 extra clicks to chose select multiple and highlight each email to delete. IDK why they removed it in 20xxx, it was always a benifit over say iphone email was to multiselect emails and not have to tap each one to delete it in a list of junk
Last edited by SprintTouch08; 12-09-2008 at 01:21 PM.