Adobe Reader with Re-flow
I have upgraded my rom to Juicy's 4.0 Rom. In doing so I realized that the reflow option in Adobe Reader is not available anymore. I just the change log for the different releases and it seems he did not make any changes to the version of adobe.
Can anybody tell me where I can find a cab I can install and get reflow back or what I need to change to activate reflow.
I have searched the forums but none of the post actually state that reflow works. Rather than blindly try cabs I thought I'd ask.
Thanks in advance for any help I receive.
UPDATE: Well I just noticed this thread is alive so I thought I will post the fix if anybody is interested still or is searching for the fix.
The registry key HKCU\Software\Adobe\AdobeReaderLE.25 dword Enablereflow should be a 1
Last edited by bparvin; 06-02-2009 at 07:34 PM.