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Old 12-08-2008, 10:21 AM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

Originally Posted by blazinazn View Post
Well, my phone locked up again last night for the first time since I unchecked the today timeout under system settings and "turn device off after" while on external power.

I did notice that I set my alarm to wake me up this morning. I got up in the middle of the night and the LED was flashing like it was charging. I hit the power button and no response. I had to pull the battery out and restart.

Although, I set my alarm the night before last and it didn't lock up while charging. I'm at a loss....

I purchased my phone from Best Buy running the stock ROM with some tweaks and regedits. I've p a ssed the 30 day period so I don't know if I can get it replaced now

EDIT: why does it edit the word p a s s e d??
Mine locked up for the first time since i did the same thing you did with your phone. I went almost 3 weeks without it freezing and it decides to lock up on the morning I have a final and made me late 30 minutes
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