Originally Posted by denttarek
why not use opera on that website you can zoom in all you want
For some strange reason I much prefer PIE. I know that there should be a setting to change it but most websites in Opera go to mobile sites. Actually I remember changing the setting to be recognized like a desktop and still end up getting mobile sites with Opera. I also get easily irratated with having to constantly scroll horizontally as a lot of the articles dont always render to fit the screen. The pictures in Opera looks condensed while they are razor sharp in the new PIE(6) - actually sharper than your desktop. Though not fully funtional the new PIE also has flash. PIE 6 is painfiully slow but it is the first and only browser that I have found where I can access any site and have the same experience minus fully funtioning flash as a real desktop. This includes acessing drop down menus, etc.