Originally Posted by linzgeneral
I am not trying to flame on anyone as I certainly appreicate the previlige of being able to to enjoy a much more enriched phone experience that I would never be able to enjoy through any skills of my own. I am simply trying to give a little credit where it is due. Thanks Jugs for all of your effort and I cant wait until you resume trying to make this Rom better with perhaps a final update. P.S.- I am aware that you currently don't have a working Diamond.

I hate to sound sappy, but I would like to add that I also appreciate how patient and kind Juggalo is with some of us that try real hard to learn everything, but still end up asking dumb questions sometimes because we just don't have a full understanding of this stuff. Some of the other developers and/or their fans seem to get pretty frustrated and end up ignoring or even lashing out at us techno-idiots. I decided to try Juggalo's because he always had been so nice in other threads. And fortunately, I love the ROM too. Thanks!