Originally Posted by SprintTouch08
yeh but honestly how smart was it saying Sprint is too good for Android (a laugh in itself for a failing carrier), but considering google dumped millions into Sprint/Clearwire's WIMAX that was a pretty stupid comment to make
to be honest.. i think the statement was pretty accurate. as bad a shape sprint is in... they are still WELL ahead of t-mobile in terms of quality and subscribed customers. you dont see AT&T or Verizon rushing into getting an android handset right now do you? T-mobile technically is in the worst shape and needs something (a gamble on a new OS based phone) to try and incorporate some extra business in. i truely dont see how its "a laugh in itself" especially, like you said, they rolled out wimax. yeah google invested in it, but it doesnt mean sprint 'has' to put their brand in google's products. and he didnt say they wouldnt get an android handset neither, he said it isnt good enough for sprint yet. maybe sometime in the future when its more stable, which is understandable. i think you mis-interperated what he meant. sprint isnt too good for android, android just isnt stable enough for sprints brand.