Re: *[11-26-08]* Juggalo ROM v0.05B Public Beta [SYS OS 5.2.20759 Build 20759] [UC]
First of all, I spend just about half of my life on this furum but haven't been posting anything for quite awhile. I felt compelled to sign on an ddrop Jugs a few lines of thanks for this Rom. I have tried my best to get rid of Jugs but end up coming back every time. I have made the usual rounds with mostly Juicy's Roms and most recently Mighty's latest. I just can't seem to find any Rom with as complete a package of features and performance thant Jug's offers. It always seem to be some sort of unwelcomed compromise with everyone else.... more speed...but no...... I keep trying to convince myself that Jug's Rom is almost two weeks old while the other guys are spitting out Roms seemingly eeryday. The interesting thing is these new versions always seem to break as much as they fix and almost always need an immediate revision. I am not trying to flame on anyone as I certainly appreicate the previlige of being able to to enjoy a much more enriched phone experience that I would never be able to enjoy through any skills of my own. I am simply trying to give a little credit where it is due. Thanks Jugs for all of your effort and I cant wait until you resume trying to make this Rom better with perhaps a final update. P.S.- I am aware that you currently don't have a working Diamond.