Originally Posted by ItsDon
Now, however my "Recent Programs" section is blank. This is the area at the top once you hit the Start menu. I started several programs to see if it would repopulate but it remains blank.
That's true. Recent Programs only monitors the actual "Programs" folder. This is also something I described in the initial post:
Please pay attention to this part! The programs that come with the phone are moved to the Start Menu and are categorized into "Office Mobile, Windows Live Mobile, and Windows Mobile". Only the Sprint Shortcuts are deleted, which is why the cab file is included. Programs YOU install are left alone, and those are the programs you'll see in the "Recent" list."
For what it's worth, give it some time and the Recent Programs listing will probably become one of the most annoying features about the start menu, especially as you install more programs that didn't come with the phone. I would have preferred having that space available for pinning icons...
Originally Posted by ItsDon
Second, now when I go to Start/Settings/Menu I only have the 7 items that are currently visible (checked) at the Start menu but nothing else, no option to check or uncheck any additional programs I may want there. Plus the Programs folder (after hitting Start) is now empty (obviously) and I can see no reason to have it there and no way to delete it, is it neccesary? Will it repopulate?
A couple things to consider here:
1) The main start menu can only list 7 things, and all 7 are in use. I admit that isn't mentioned in my posts, and I did forget that's not obvious.
2) Again, there is nothing in the programs folder until you install something, so there is nothing to "readjust".
If you unpin them from that menu listing, the folders will be moved back to the Programs folder, but the icons will still be sorted by folders. This will give you the advantage of them appearing in the Recent list again-- useful if you're not planning on installing anything else-- but you will still only have the folders listed as items to pin on the main menu, and you'll increase the number taps to reach everything by at least an extra tap and flick.
If I may... now that the duplicates are removed, I'd encourage you to simply leave the start menu alone a while and spend a day or two with it as is. I'll bet that it grows on you, but if not, just open File Explorer back to \Windows\Start Menu and used Edit > Select All, Menu.. Edit > Cut, and Edit > Paste to move all the icons back into the main Programs folder from the new folders I made (actually, move Office and Games back by cutting the folders, not the icons, if you want the original layout).
By the way... No worries on being a noob. I tried to piece this together and explain everything as thorough as possible, but there are always things like this that are completely new and overwhelming for first time users. I don't mind answering questions as long as people are willing to learn and experiment.